Craft Service 101

  • 1

    Your WHY!

    • Introduction

    • Your WHY!

    • YUMMY Standard (Please review)

    • Startup Survey

  • 2

    Umami: What is Craft Service and How it works

    • History of Craft Service

    • Key Players on the production team

    • Your Role as a Craft Service Attendant

    • Umami: Quiz

  • 3

    Mouth-watering Marketing: Getting eyeballs on your business

    • Setting up your business

    • Food Safety

    • Setting Up (Mini Quiz)

    • Food Safety (Mini Quiz)

    • Branding basics

    • Social media basics

    • The hole in the industry

    • Mouth-watering marketing: Quiz

  • 4

    Meal Ticket: Startup costs + Pricing your services

    • Startup Costs

    • Food budget & Pricing

    • Bidding/Quoting your first Craft Service job

    • Refining your shopping list

    • Prep & Pack

    • Building a basic Craft Service table

    • On Set Etiquette

    • Wrapping your first job

    • Petty Cash

    • Invoicing & Payroll

    • Meal ticket: Quiz

    • Budgeting template

    • Sample Bid/Quote template

    • Shopping List template

    • Sample Service agreement verbiage (Email)

    • Petty Cash Log

    • Kit Rental Template

    • Mileage form template

  • 5

    Your delicious value ADD

    • Be a Craft Service stand out

    • Imposter Syndrome

    • Creating a Network

  • 6

    Martini: The final shot

    • Exit Survey

    • Private CS101 Facebook Group!

  • 7

    Bonus Games, Lessons & Templates

    • Can you SPOT it? (Game)

    • Water & Ice Quote (Video)

    • How to calculate Water & Ice

    • Bonus Content

